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We are Woman - The Long Road to Empowerment@Arena Bar Variete Theater Cafè

We are Woman - The Long Road to Empowerment

Fr., 27. Jun. 2014 20:00 @ Arena Bar Variete Theater Cafè , Wien

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Songs and Textperformance (English)

On stage: Jenny Simanowitz & Margaret Carter and special guest Vira Zhuk (violin)

A lively, humourous and well-observed homage to women – their energy, their passion, their suffering and their courage… and the highs and lows on their journey to empowerment.

Margaret Carter, an impressive singer with a magical stage presence is the main interpreter of the songs which were written by Jenny Simanowitz and express the total spectrum of being a woman.

Eine kurzweilige Homage an Frauen – ihre Rührigkeit, ihre Leiden und Leidenschaften, ihren Lebensmut…und die Hochs und Tiefs auf ihrem langen Weg zur Selbstbefreiung.

Hauptinterpretin der von Jenny komponierten Lieder ist die wunderbare, eindrucksvolle Sängerin Margaret Carter mit ihrer einzigartigen emotionellen Präsenz.

Tickets/Karten: € 15 * ermäßigt / reduced € 10 (students , colleagues, retired or unemployed)

Reservierung / Booking: office@happybusiness.at; Tel./SMS 0664-4750055


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