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Medien » Fotoalben » meine schönen Bilderchen

Kommentare (4 Kommentare)

  • Caninchen Caninchen Well, I feel like they’re talking in a language I don’t speak
    09.02.2006 12:39
  • schokoherzal schokoherzal What if you should decide / that you don´t want me there by your side / that you don´t want me there in your life
    17.03.2011 13:23
  • Caninchen Caninchen honey you are a rock...- upon which I stand... Because I came here with a load, and it feels so much lighter now I met you.........
    03.02.2006 06:50
  • meckiboecki meckiboecki no one ever said it would be this hard... - i´m going back to the start...
    02.02.2006 07:10