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Fantasies of Masculinity@Ateliertheater

Fantasies of Masculinity

Do., 23. Feb. 2017 20:00 @ Ateliertheater , Wien

Eintritt: AK: 12/8


Vortrag von Mag. Ranthild Salzer (Cultural Studies, Univ. of Vienna) mit Filmbeispielen

Just like femininity, masculinity as a construct includes and excludes along the lines of class, body image, sexuality, ethnicity and race. However, aggression, violence, power, independence and self-control are nothing if not desired ingredients found in most ideas of masculinity. In this lecture presentation one particularly popular idea of masculinity will the subject of investigation: Superhero and Super-villain masculinity as found in the DC and Marvel comics.

Termin: 23.02. um 20:00 Uhr
Tickets: €8/€12 / office@ateliertheater.net

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