Triff mich demnächst:
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About me
*->I don't pound or smoke .. sometimes I get tipsy but that donno happen quite often.I dont like stress..just chill out..n keep it easy..however it comes!I also don't like to rack my brain bout lil things.I have a thing about all that's tight n laid-back.I would neva let ma friends down or rat on them.I have always tried to play my cards rite (I don like to kiss someone's ass) n well, I can say that I'm down-to-earth.< -*
No MaTTer WaT THeM saY abOuT U DoNt giVE A FucK CoS AnY One Who DonT MovE wiT U CAn NevEr KnoW juSt BeliEve u GoNNA RIse One DaY.JuST KeEp It ReAL
¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨).
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
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¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨).
Du DaRfSt NiE dEiN HeRz VeRsChEnKeN..DeNn JeDeS MaL WeNn Du Es TuSt BeKoMmSt Du Es ZeRsTöRt ZuRüCk!!!
FoR aLL ThAt PeOpLe WhO TaLk ShIt BoUt Me..ThAnK U ThAt Im ThE CeNtEr Of YoUr WoRlD aNd At LaSt --FUCK U CuZ iM SoMeThIng U cOuLD NeVa Be!
IhR LaChT ÜbEr MiCh WeIl IcH AnDeRs BiN..IcH LaCh ÜbEr EuCh WeIl IhR AlLe GlEiCh SeId!