| |
Liebesstatus: | leider single |
Alter: | 31 |
Herkunft: | Adresse wurde nicht gefunden |
Typ: | Teuferl |
Augenfarbe: | LooL |
Haarfarbe: | bRaUn-LiLa |
Location: | SkAteRpLaCe |
Haarlänge: | schulterlang |
Sternzeichen: | Fische |
Beruf: | Schüler |
Dabei seit: | 24.03.2008 |
Triff mich demnächst:
Trag dich auf einem
Event in den Meetpoint ein um deinen Freunden zu zeigen wo man dich trifft!
About me
LoVe KiLlS sLoWLy
sLowLiER tHaN yOu FeeL
sLoWLIer ThAn yOu ThInK
But Love KiLls aLsO WiTh A sMiLe
ThIs Is HaRd+
I find emo-frisuren voll geil!!!!!!!
SkAtErPrInnCeS 4___________EvEr_____ThAtS mE
>Oh yeah____________
I´m miss american dream since I´m 17,
Don´t matter if I step on the scene, or sneak away to the Philippines!!!!!!!!!
They still gonna put pictures of my derriére in the magazine!
You want a piece of me??????
You want a piece of me!!!!!!!!
I´m miss Bad media karma another day, another drama!!!
You want a piece of me!!!!!!!!
I´m Mrs. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
You want a piece of me??????
I´m Mrs. Oh my god that Emily´s shamless.
You want a piece of me!!!!!!!
I´m Mrs. Extra!Extra!This is just in$$$$$$$
Now are you sure to want a piece of me??????
Fuck you------------
fuck me$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
But,please, give a FUCK_______________________
________SkAtEr________PrInCeSs_________ underLINE