About me
Ich bin NICHT die echte Tanya Denali

- nur ein Fan!
member of the official twilight group at szene1.at (:
♥ Tanya of the Denali ♥
Tanya was briefly mentioned as the
part of the Denali clan, when Carlisle explained to Laurent the Cullen's lifestyle choices and affiliations. Shortly before hand, Edward stayed with Tanya and her family after he first met Bella and was tempted by her scent.
At first, Tanya misinterpreted the visit assuming that Edward returned her romantic feelings for him. Once she realized that Edward did not share her feelings, Tanya was still a good friend to Edward stating that she believed that he would do the right thing (although she was unaware that Edward's problem was resisting Bella's alluring scent) and encouraged his return to Forks.
She likes their best friends The Cullens really much. They're like a second family to her. She was very sorry that her Coven left the Cullens in trouble in the 3rd Part of the Twilight saga.
She was glad that she and her Coven could help them a year later.
Now she hates Caius more than all. He killed her sister Irina and with that move nearly all of them, because if Kate and Tanya would have ran to Caius his whole Army would have attacked and killed all vampirefriends of Carlise.
So, you wanna know something more??
Ask me immideately!! It will be a honor for me to answer your questions!